Released 2024-03-19
General bugs
Added missing Swedish translations.
Container - aligning and positioning the divider for vertical and horizontal containers did not work as it should. This has been fixed.
Corrected issue where clearing of listening filters was not working correctly when portlets configured to multi-level listening, ie portlet one listening to portlet two that listens to portlet three.
Corrected several issues around refreshing the user access token, and resolved problems with unauthorized issues against external systems (such as IFS).
Portlet bugs
Data tree - Changed the behavior of the data tree so expand/select of data tree/data tree node is saved in LocalStorage and after changing page/refresh remains as the user left it last time.
Inbox - Added the possibility to configure Auto-refresh to the Inbox portlet.
KPI card - added support for onNodeSelection listening from DataTree
Record - Corrected issue where, when editing a record, quickly double-clicking the update button could result in the row being duplicated.
Record/Table - Added a loading spinner for record and table portlet when a workflow was executing, to give end-user better feedback on what is going on.
Scheduler - Corrected an issue where changing the column name in an existing Scheduler portlet caused an error.
Speedometer - Color rules did not work when using variables. This has been fixed.
Table - Corrected table column alignment issue that occurred with Chrome update 121.
Table - fixed column misalignment when using Group By function.
Last updated