
The Kanban portlet is a work and workflow visualization portlet that enables you to optimize the way you work. It gives you a process-based view of your activities and shows where in the process your activities are right now.


General data is required for all portlets.

General configuration

Advanced settings

Compact mode: compact mode will show the kanban cards with the same information but with less margin and space between lines.

Hide task and restrictions counter: the number of tasks in the column is as default shown after the column title. Check this box if the counter is not to be shown.


The portlet can listen to the following events:

  • On Row Selection

  • On Refresh

  • On Point Selection

  • On Filter

  • On Tree Node Selection

The portlet can send the following events:

  • On Row Selection

  • On Refresh

Listeners configuration


Data source

The portlet data source configuration enables the portlet to execute specified queries towards the chosen database connector to fetch data, or fetch data from a workflow.

  • Database: uses a flow connector to retrieve data from a database

  • Workflow: runs a workflow to retrieve data

Data source configuration

Workflow source configuration


  • Task identity column: column containing the unique id for the tasks

  • Task status column: the status of the task. Status will be used to build the columns for the Kanban board

  • Task order sort column: determines in which order the tasks should be displayed in the columns

  • Task order sort direction: sets if sort order should be ascending or descending

  • Task swimlane column: groups the tasks in swimlanes based on the value chosen

  • Task swimlane sort direction: sets if swimlane order should be ascending or descending

  • Task color:

Data source columns

Manage: the columns can be configured in a grid view for a better overview.

Value in Presentation must be filled in before data source columns can be configured.

Click Execute in the data source section to fetch the columns. Each column can be configured with:

  • display name

  • column type

There are a number of column types to choose from. The default column type is text.

  • Text: use to display column as a text fields

  • Number: use for number fields where the number is an integer

  • Decimal: use for numbers with decimals

  • Date: will display the column as a date with no time

  • Date & Time: use to display date and time


Map all columns: automatically maps all columns based on values for Task status.

Add: click to add a column manually

  • Title: the display name of the column

  • Status value: name of the status in the data source

  • Min cards per column: set a minimum task number for the column. If the column does not have a minimum number of cards, it will be automatically be marked in yellow color

  • Max cards per column: set a maximum task number for the column. If the column exceeds the maximum number of cards, it will be automatically marked in red color

  • Text color: changes color of the column header text

  • Header color: changes the column header background-color

  • Visible: determines whether the column should be visible or not


The information to be shown on the Kanban cards is configured in this section.

Can be given both fixed values and dynamic values fetched from the data source by including the information within curly brackets. For example "Application {RecruitmentId}" will fetch the recruitment id from the data source.


Click Add to add the rows to be shown under the Header.

  • Label: sets a header for the text. Can be either static or dynamic

  • Text: sets the text to be displayed. Usually done by dynamic values using curly brackets

Color rules

It is possible to set up color rules to show a colored stripe on the card. This can be used as a visual help to quickly find or distinguish cards.

Note: that if multiple color rule conditions are met, the last one in the list will be displayed.

Add: adds a new color rule to the card

  • Field: data the condition should be based on

  • Operator: select the operator needed

  • Value: depending on the operator; the value needed to meet the condition


Different actions, which trigger a workflow to start, can be performed in the kanban portlet. In the Interaction section, the workflow connected to a specific action is configured.

Information about InputTable and action-specific input parameters used in the interaction workflows can be found here: Input Data.

Drag and drop

Drag and drop workflow: Open the drop-down and connect the workflow to be started when the user performs a drag and drop action, ie dragging and dropping a card between columns.

Double click

Double click workflow: Open the drop-down and connect the workflow to be started when the user performs a double click action, ie double clicks on a card. This can be used for example to edit data on a card.

Custom button

See Custom button.


Tooltip configuration

Show tooltip: If unchecked, no tooltip will be shown when hovering on a task. When checked, data added in HTML data to be displayed in the tooltip will be shown.

HTML data to be displayed in tooltip: Configure the wanted tooltip data using HTML.


Add rules to define icons to be shown on the tasks.

Limitations and recommendations

  • To keep performance as good as possible, it is advised not to display more than 1.000 cards on the Kanban board

  • Using swimlanes in the Kanban board can help increase the performance if many cards are displayed at the same time

Last updated