
Released 2021-06-29

Web client:

  • Added drop down list beside the paging where the user can set how many rows are to be shown. The setting is saved so the same amount of rows are shown the next time the user gets to the grid.

  • Illegal xml characters will not stop export of database anymore.

  • Changed behavior of grid to adjust the β€œFIT” columns to also take header text length into account.

  • Fixed an issue which caused a column to become 0px width, which caused the grid to be higher than expected.

  • Checkbox is not a fixed size in the web client which caused problems when the header was longer.

Flow studio and Flow server:

  • Illegal xml characters should not stop export of database anymore.

  • Monitoring results are shown in Studio on initial load and after sorting columns.

Workflow engine:

  • IsNumber flow script was not handling strings, but rather only β€œnumerics”.

iOS client:

  • Added barcode scan to grid detail view. Scanning from grid is available now.

Last updated