Release notes 6.13
Released 2020-12-14
Flow 6.13 is no longer supported. We strongly advise upgrading to the latest supported version for improved functionality, security, and support services.
This release somewhat marks the beginning of a new product strategy, with some new major concepts, the beginning of a new product architecture and also a new release strategy for parts of the platform.
Happy Flowing!
News and improvements in 6.13
Studio Improvements:
Improved dependency update when using Fragments and linked workflows
Including a dependency overview
New FlowScript functions
Better User overview, with more useful information
Quick edit in all windows
Go into edit mode directly from a workflow element, even though workflow is read only.
To be used in case of emergency
Unique workflow element names
Improves the quality of error messages from the workflow
Minor changes in the toolbar menu
Clients & Mobility:
Group files by any information in the data source
Offline transactions are kept even though signing out
Portal 2:
New release strategy
New features can now on be released with a considerably short lead time
Connector Services:
New Connector architecture, where a connector is deployed as a service
The connector service can be installed anywhere as long as it has an outbound connection to the server
When installed and connected, the Connector can be managed as usual in the Flow Studio
Improves the scalability of the platform and supports distributed solutions and edge computing
Released as a Beta, including:
IFS Apps 9 AP DB Connector Service
IFS Apps 10 AP DB Connector Service
MS SQL Server DB Connector Service
File System Connector Service
Connector Service Installer (to be released later in a service pack)
Maximo connector now supports https as protocol.
Scalable Storage:
New storage architecture, using MS SQL Server
In addition to the current SQLite DB, Novacura Flow can now also be used with MS SQL Server as a storage option
This solution offers much better scaling possibilities and will also be used for our Cloud environments.
As a first step, this new storage option will be available for Flow Cloud only.
Changes in License:
Not possible to exceed license limit
If enabled in the customer license, a hard limit on license count will be applied in the associated environment, meaning that adding users exceeding the licensed number will not be possible.
Max concurrent sessions
Maximum concurrent users will from now on be set for Test environments, in order to let customers have identical setups for both Test and Prod and at the same time prevent misusage of Test environments.
Last updated
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