Flow environment
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The Flow Environment Connector can be used to read information from the flow 6 database, it can also write new data to said database.
The Flow Environment Connector can be used to read information from the flow 6 database, it can also write new data to said database.
Url: Flow server url (example: http://flowserver/novacura.flow.server/)
User: Flow username that can read and write in the environment.
Password: Username password in the flow environment.
Storage Service Url: Flow storage service url (example: http://flowserver/NovaCura.Flow.Storage.Service)
These are the functions that the connector supports, the flow connector can fetch data and write/update data to the flow 6 database. All operations either returns a table, row or a true/false boolean depending on if the operation was successful or not.
Get connector name and species - Fetches a table of each connector with its type (species) and name.
Get Languages - Fetches a table of all languages set in the environment.
Add or update language - Set a new language with two parameters/use record with parameters in it:
Code: Language code e.g "SV"
Name: Name of the language e.g "Swedish"
Delete Language - Delete an existing language set in the environment/use record with parameter in it:
Code: Language code e.g "SV"
Get properties - Fetches all properties.
Get user properties - Fetches all properties their types and values connected to the user ID provided:
User ID: The Flow User you wish to get property information from.
Get user type properties - Fetches the name of all properties that are not global.
Get global type properties - Fetches the name of all properties that are global
Add property - Adds a new property:
Name: the name of the property
Type: table or text
Column only used in table: name of the column/s
Scope: global or user
Value only used in global scope: static value
Get property types - Returns what types of properties that are present in the environment.
Get property scopes - Return what property scopes that are present in the environment.
Delete property - Deletes a property using the property name:
Name: the name of the property that is to be deleted
Set value of global property - Sets the value of a global property:
Name of property: the name of the property that the value is added to
New value: the value of the property
Add or update/delete Role Group - Adds/deletes or update an existing role group:
Group ID: Id of the role group
Group Name: Display name of the role group
Inherit Children: true/false if the role group will inherit children
Add roles to Role Group/Delete roles from role group - Adds/deletes roles to a role group:
Group ID: id of the role group the roles will belong to
Roles: a table containing the columns "Path" and "DisplayName" Path points towards the Rolegroup/Role e.g "Administrators/ITadmins" where Administrators is the rolegroup and the ITadmins is the role. Displayname is the displayname of the role
Get Role group by group ID - Returns a row containing Name, DisplayName, Inheritchildren and a table containing all role paths.
Get role groups - Returns a table containing Name, DisplayName, Inheritchildren and a table containing all role paths.
Add/delete roles to user - Assigns/deletes a role to a user:
User ID: User ID that is to receive the role
A table containing: Path - path to the role in the format "RolegroupID/Role" DisplayName - The displayname of the role
Get assigned user roles - Returns a table with Path and DisplayName columns.
Add new User
Name: the name of the user
Active: true/false if the user is active
User ID: the User ID of the user
Access level: the access level of the user, e.g "Work"
Group: assigns the user to a group
Type: assigns the user to a user type, e.g. "FullUser"
Password: the user password
Email: the user email address
Language: the language of the user, defined using language code, e.g. "SV"
Culture: the culture of the user, e.g. "sv-SE"
Add or update user/from record - Adds or updates a user:
Name: the name of the user
Active: true/false if the user is active
User ID: the User ID of the user
Access level: sets the access level of the user e.g "Work"
Group: assigns the user to a group
Type: assigns the user to a user-type e.g "FullUser"
PasswordHash: the password hash (generated by "Set or Change Password" or by "Add new User"). This is not the user password and cannot be used as such.
Email: sets the email for the user
Language: sets the language of the user by using lang codes e.g "SV"
Delete user - Deletes a user in the environment:
User ID: which User ID that is to be deleted
Get user by User ID - Returns a row with all user values.
Get access levels - Returns a table with all access levels.
Get types - Returns a table with all types.
Get users - Returns a table of all users.
Get user groups - Returns a table with all user groups.
Set value of property on user - Sets the value of a property on a user:
User ID: the user to receive the property value
Property Name: the name of the property
Value: the value that is to be added (tables are not supported yet)
Get value of property on user - Returns the value of a property:
User ID: the user to fetch the property from
The property name to fetch the value from
Set connector properties for user - sets the login/password for the connector:
User ID: the user id that will get the connector login/password added
Connector Name: the connector that is getting values added
Connector Username: the username for the connector
Connector Password: the password for the connector
Update User
Name: the name of the user
Active: true/false if the user is active
User ID: the User ID of the user
Access level: the access level of the user, e.g "Work"
Group: assigns the user to a group
Type: assigns the user to a user type, e.g. "FullUser"
Email: the user's email address
Language: the language of the user, defined using language code, e.g. "SV"
AD Synced: true/false if the user is AD Synced
Use AD for authentication: true/false if AD is used for authentication
Culture: the culture of the user, e.g. "sv-SE"