Add component

Before you start the installation make sure the System requirements are fulfilled and that is accessible from the server.

The installation can either be done online or offline. Online: The installation files will automatically be downloaded by the Novacura Flow Server Manager tool. Offline: The installation files need to be downloaded separately and added manually in the Novacura Flow Server Manager tool. Observe this is only necessary if for any reason can not be accessible.

1. Open the Novacura Flow Server Manager

  • Click on the menu for the installation that the component/s should be added to.

  • Choose Add Component...

  • Choose the component/s that should be installed.

  • Click Install.

If a connection to Novacura Flow home is not available, offline installation will be available. Download the offline packages and enter the package for each component that should be installed.

Enter the base URL like: E.g. https://myserveraddress or http://myserveraddress:80, like, or http://app01:80.

2. The installation is done and the component/s is added to the installation

  • If the Novacura Flow Web Client was installed. Open the Novacura Flow Web Client. The page should show a login prompt.

  • If the Novacura Flow portal was installed, open the portal application to finish the portal installation. The portal database will be created when the portal application is open for the first time. When the installation is done the login page will appear.

Last updated