Document list

The Document list displays the documents stored in the internal document management database. It can be connected to the Document Tree portlet to display all documents contained inside the selected folder in the Document Tree portlet.

Basic Data

Internal name - Unique string to identify this portlet. Portlet title - Title of the portlet, does not have to be unique. Include subfolders - Allows the portlet to include subfolders and their content of the document tree. View Documents - Not yet implemented.

Auto Refresh

Auto Refresh enables the portlet to refresh the data every SS:second.

Query Configuration

Start node value - todo.

Page Size - Amount of results showed per page.


Commands enables the portlet to listen for events sent by other portlets to execute specified commands. The portlet will listen to the following commands

  • updateDocumentManagementList

The portlet will listen to the following portlets Specify which portlet the commands above will trigger from. The portlets that appears will be shown with their unique internal name.

Last updated