Webservice example: Connector to Microsoft Dynamics AX

This is an example of how the Web Service connector can be used to consume Microsoft Dynamics AX AIF services.

How to set up any AIF service, such as a document service, in Microsoft Dynamics AX is beyond the scope of this example, but once that has been done the Web Service connector can be used to consume it. From AX, get the URI to the WSDL of the service.

Step 1

Copy the URI from AX.

Create connector of type Web Service.

Provide a name for the connector and paste in the URI. Make sure server address is correct and press "Create/update"-button

Step 2

Wait for the connector to be created

Step 3

Examine the configuration. Might be a good idea to increase maxRecievedMessageSize.

Step 4

Setup Client credentials by expanding Client credentials -> Windows and enter UserName and Password and, if required, domain and impersonation level.

Step 5

Save the configuration

The connector should now be available to be used in a Machine Step.

Last update 2019-11-15 15:16:02Version:

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