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The map portlet shows a geographical map into which markers can be placed based on their longitude and latitude values from the marker basic data. A marker can for example represent a work order from the ERP system. The map contains real-time markers and static overlays. The user can zoom in and out and move around on the map. The base map view can be changed from street view to satellite and multiple other options.
The map portlet can be refreshed in multiple ways. Important to note is that Auto-refresh, Refresh on command and manual refresh in the portlet (user clicking the refresh icon) will only refresh the realtime overlay. The static overlays are only refreshed for the enduser when the page is refreshed in the browser or when signing in. For an admin user, the static overlays are refreshed when the overlay configuration is changed. Separating the refresh in this way enables the user to get the best performance from the map portlet.
Limit the number of map portlet to a maximum of three portlets per page as more portlets can affect performance.
General data is required for all portlets.
Street search: check if street search should be available in the map portlet
Overlay: check if the user should be able to switch on and off overlay maps
Basemap: check if the user should be able to switch between different base maps. If unchecked Streets will be used.
The portlet can listen to the following events:
The portlet can send the following events:
On Point Selection
On Refresh
The realtime overlay is shown as markers in the map portlet. The realtime overlay must be mapped in order for the map portlet to work.
The portlet data source configuration enables the portlet to execute specified queries towards the chosen database connector to fetch data, or fetch data from a workflow.
Database: uses a flow connector to retrieve data from a database
Workflow: runs a workflow to retrieve data
Press the Execute button to fetch the output data from the data source and map it.
Id: the unique id of the marker
Latitude: the marker latitude position
Longitude: the marker longitude position
Supported format:
Point marker
Manage: the columns can be configured as a grid view as well as the list view. This view can help for a better overview and quicker configuration when a lot of columns are in use.
Click Execute in the data source section to fetch the columns. Each column can be configured with:
display name
column type
There are a number of column types to choose from. The default column type is text.
Text: use to display column as a text fields
Number: use for number fields where the number is an integer
Decimal: use for numbers with decimals
Date: will display the column as a date with no time
Date & Time: use to display date and time
The static overlay is used to put custom-made overlays on the map for example to show buildings or borders.
Supported formats are 2D overlays for:
Esri ArcGIS
The static overlay setup is optional.
The data is fetched the same way as realtime overlays, with database or workflow as data source. The output is picked up in the
Data workflow cached for individual users.
When workflow is used as data source the output variable is mapped to the field Output variable. The execute button fetches the output to make it possible to map the variables.
Overlay title: the name of the overlay
Overlay type: the type of the overlay.
ArcGIS - map the overlay type
GeoJson - this field is not used but must have a value, for example, the title name can be used here too.
Geometry type: the type of the overlay.
ArcGIS - map the geometry type
GeoJson - this field is not used but must have a value, for example, the title name can be used here too.
Endpoint: the endpoint for the static overlays to fetch the overlay placement information
Information about InputTable and action-specific input parameters used in the interaction workflows can be found here: Input Data.
Create workflow: Add the workflow which is to be executed when a new marker is created. New markers are created by dragging the Marker icon in the Map navigation into the map. The Marker icon is only visible in the navigation if Create workflow has got a value.
Drag and drop workflow: Add the workflow which is to be executed when a marker is moved, ie dragged and dropped in a new position.
Double click workflow: Add the workflow which is to be executed when the user double-clicks on a marker.
See custom buttons.
Change the header text color and add a header stripe by configuring style.
Add tooltip to see information when hovering over a marker.
Show tooltip - tick the box if the tooltip is to be visible. In the box below the checkbox add the text which is to be shown. Use curly brackets to show real time overlay information.
Map tooltip size - set the tooltip font size
Map tooltip color - set the tooltip font color
Add label to see static information below the marker.
Show label - tick the box if the label is to be visible. In the box below the checkbox add the text which is to be shown. Use curly brackets to show real time overlay information.
Map label size - set the label font size
Map label color - set the label font color
Add icons to be shown within the marker.
Click add to configure icons.
Icon - select the icon to be shown
Name - set the name icon configuration
Field - select the real time overlay information variable the icon condition is to be based on
Operator - select the operator and add conditions