Document viewer

Document viewer can be used to present documents to the users. Document viewer supports showing documents in PDF format and most commonly used image formats.

If a format is not supported, the user will have to possibility to download the document instead.


General data is required for all portlets.

General configuration


The portlet can listen to the following events:

  • On Row Selection

  • On Point Selection

Listeners configuration


Data source

The portlet data source configuration enables the portlet to execute specified queries towards the chosen database connector to fetch data, or fetch data from a workflow.

  • Database: uses a flow connector to retrieve data from a database

  • Workflow: runs a workflow to retrieve data

Data source configuration

Workflow source configuration


Data: the content which is to be displayed

Filename: the name of the file


Change the header text color and add a header stripe by configuring style.

Style configuration

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