Verb sub task

A sub workflow is an element in a User step

Verb Sub Task

A sub workflow is created from a User Step. Create a new User Step and add a verb sub-task element. Configure the appearance of verb sub-task element in the client.

Set the following:

  • Title: Text on the verb sub-task element button.

  • Icon: Icon on the verb sub-task element button.

  • Allow Multiple Runs: This should be check to allow the verb sub-task element to be run multiple times while in the same user step in the main workflow.

  • Pills: Pill on the sub workflow button. One or multiple pills can be configured on the verb subtask, the pill can display a text or a count of how many times the verb sub-task has been run*

  • Condition To Hide

    Add the condition that must be met for the control to be hidden. If left empty, the control will be visible in the user step. Note that when controls are hidden, empty variables will be created, unless default values or pre-defined data exist.

For reloading behavior, go to User step reloading.

Close the User Step, an icon will now appear, representing the added sub workflow.

Double click on the sub workflow icon to open the (empty) sub workflow.

Create a workflow, all variables from the main workflow are available in the sub workflow.

Return data back to the main workflow by configuring the End step in the sub workflow. The output from the sub workflow is put in the target variable of the verb sub-task element. The sub workflow output is available once the user has moved on from the user step the verb sub-task is located in, i.e. it is not possible to use the data in the user step the sub workflow is started from.

The sub workflow output is available in the steps AFTER the user step the verb sub-task is located in.

The output from a sub workflow will always be in grid format.

Verb sub-task output example

Verb sub-task output example

The user step contains three verb sub-tasks with the following content:

  1. Add Additional Info a. addInfo (text input) b. finishDate (date input)

  2. Add Picture (Allow multiple runs = TRUE) a. addPicture (camera input)

  3. Add Material (Allow multiple runs = TRUE) a. gridMaterial (data grid)

  4. User Step:

5. Script Step: outPutPictures

6. Script Step: selectedMaterialAll

7. Assignment: selectedMaterial

8. User Step

Sub verb-tasks run in iOS - Pills:

Flow script examples

Scrip Step - Add pictures to table:

let table1 = table(data, filename); 
    for rec_ in value3 do
        set table1 = table1 & [data:, filename: rec_.addPicture.filename];
return table1;

Scrip Step - Grid - verb sub task run multiple times (loop in loop):

let table1 = table(part_no, part_desc);
    for rec_ in value4 do
        for rec1_ in rec_.gridMaterial do
            set table1 = table1 & [part_no: rec1_.part_no, part_desc: rec1_.part_desc];
return table1;

Assignment - fetch first picture:

Picture = {(*First(value3).addPicture)}

Assignment - fetch last grid:

selectedMaterial = {value4.Skip(value4.Count()-1).First().gridMaterial}

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