Last updated
Last updated
Installing this release may affect which web client is used in Portal 2. Please follow the instructions here to make sure the setting is the preferred one.
When utilizing Portal2 alongside the NG Web client, certain tracing capabilities are compromised because of client-side execution. To address this, a debug mode has been introduced, enabling you to observe the data exchanged between the portal and the web client.
When the Gantt portlet is configured to show the ISO week numbers, week numbers will now also be visible in the date picker.
The scheduler default view can now be set, the default can be picked from a list of Views.
The issue that filters were cleared when the user signed out has been fixed. As of this version, all filters will be kept, to remove all filters go to Clear filter under Profile. All filters are however cleared if a different user sign-in on the same device.
Corrected issue in list of value migration from Portal 1, text and value columns swapped place
Fixed issue with duplicate spinners in visual planning portlets
Corrected the issue where Inner Join not working as expected
Corrected issue where the access token was not correctly passed to machine workflows when performing a quick action
Filter - Corrected issue where the filter portlet not working as intended when filtering portlets configured with multiple listeners. The filter Portlet will be treated as the master and send a clear onRowSelection when a new Filter Portlet event is triggered
Kanban - Corrected issue where after clicking execute, columns disappeared in the presentation section
Record - added all types of workflow in data source option
Scheduler - Fixed issue with the save button not appearing correctly when modifying the views
Scheduler - Corrected the issue where the current timeline was not visible when endTime was set to 00:00
Scheduler - Corrected that tasks were not shown correctly when expanding the portlet
Scheduler - Corrected UI issue for when the portlet was a tab in a container.
Scheduler - It was sometimes not possible to create a new task. This has been fixed.
Scheduler - Corrected issue with erroneous timeline views being shown to the end user.
Scheduler - Corrected issue with the scheduler needing to be refreshed for deleted tasks to disappear
Scheduler - Corrected bug when start date was incorrectly set for tasks added to scheduler form table drag and drop
Scheduler - Corrected Style - Resource color so it colors the resource rather than the task.
Scheduler - Corrected issue when the scheduler was not refreshed correctly at load
Scheduler & Gantt - UI improvement for the drop area when dragging row from a table
Table - removed that dates columns were automatically filled when creating a row with CRUD workflow.