External app launcher
The external app launcher can be used to launch an external app, for example, Flow Print or Google Maps, directly from a workflow.
Title The title will be the prompt on the user step object.
Icon Select the icon that is to show on the object.
Target Variable The name of the object output variable.
Pre Large Text The large text shown on the object before being executed.
Pre Small Text The small text shown on the object before being executed.
Post Large Text The large text shown on the object after being executed.
Post Small Text The small text shown on the object after being executed.
Condition To Hide
Add the condition that must be met for the control to be hidden. If left empty, the control will be visible in the user step. Note that when controls are hidden, empty variables will be created, unless default values or pre-defined data exist.
Auto Run If ticked, the external app launcher will be automatically started when the user gets to a step where it is included.
Allow Empty Tick this box if the user should be allowed to continue in the workflow without running the external app launcher.
Allow Multiple Runs Tick this box if the external app launcher should be able to run multiple times.
Android/iOS/Universal Windows URI Enter the URI for the app which is to open here in these fields.
External App Callback Keys Variables into which callbacks from the app are to be stored.
External App Input Variables Variables which are to be sent to the external app. If Flow Print is the app that is to open, this is where the ZPL code variable is put.
Reloading behavior
The control behavior at reloading, see User step reloading.
Last updated
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