
Released 2022-01-19


  • IFS ODATA Connector: FlowScript Base64DecodeText function was added

  • M3 REST Connector: no longer outputs null (nil record) after receiving an error from M3

  • M3 Connector: Fixed issue causing machine step fail to list programs

  • REST / M3 REST Connector now supports nested tables as iterator

  • Web Page Submit: Global username/password can now be used

Web client:

  • Resolved issues regarding grid column sizing not working as expected

  • Resolved an issue causing numbers to not be right aligned in a grid

Flow studio

  • Added the possibility to supply a language code to the Format() FlowScript function

  • Fixed an issue causing a blocking message to show with end steps

iOS client:

  • Save state for sub tasks could cause loss of data when app was backgrounded

Flow script:

  • ToRadius function name is changed into ToRadians

Server tool:

  • Server installer is no longer case sensitive about app pool names

Last updated