By default a set of obsolete operations exists (for backwards combability from embedded connector or early versions of this connector service). Those operations are not listed below and they can be disabled per configuration. You can disable any operation for a given configuration. You might for instance only want to allow read operations, no write nor delete. You can configure this in the connector service's web UI.
Append all text to file
Appends all provided text to a file. If the file does not exist, it is created
Append all lines to file
Appends all provided lines to a file. If the file does not exist, it is created
Check if file exists
Determains whether file at specified path exists
Copy file
Copies a file to a new location
Delete file
Deletes file at provided path
Get file modification times
Gets a record containing files modification times
Move file
Moves a file to a new location
Read all bytes from file
Reads all bytes from a file and puts it a Table variable. Reading too large files can cause performance issues
Read all lines from file
Reads all lines from a file and puts it a Table variable. Reading too large files can cause performance issues
Read all text from file
Reads all text from a file and puts it a simple value variable. Reading too large files can cause performance issues
Write all line to file
Writes all provided bytes to a file. If the file already exist, it is overwritten
Check if directory exists
Determines whether directory at specified path exists
Create directory
Creates all the directories at specified path
Delete directory
Deletes directory at provided path. Directory must be empty unless 'Also delete all subdirectories (and files)' is true
Delete files in directory
Deletes all files in directory matching specified pattern
Get all subdirectories of directory (full path)
Gets the full path of all subdirectories of given directory
Get directory modifications times
Gets a record containing directory modification times
Get files in directory (full path)
Gets the full path of all files in given directory
Get name of all subdirectories of directory
Gets the names of all directories in given directory
Get name of files in directory
Gets the names (including extension) of all files in given directory
Move directory
Moves a directory to a new location
Add folder to zip file
Zips all files and subfolders in a folder into a zip file
Add single file to zip
Compresses a single file and adds it to a zip file
Add stream to zip
Compresses the content of a Flow variable that contains a binary stream. This can for instance be used to compress data from a camera input.
Extract file to stream
Extracts a single file to a stream. The entire file will be loaded into memory, so do not use this operation with large files
Extract files from zip
Extracts all files from a zip file which matches provided mask
Get file for File Gallery
Reads a file from file system, returning a record that can easily be used in File Gallery
Save file from gallery
Accepts input matching the return value from File Gallery
Last updated
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