Migration tool

Upgrading Flow portal v.5 to v.6

This tool is required if you have migrated your portal from flow 5 to flow 6, but your Flow 6 environment differs from Flow 5.

It supports migrating Connectors, Workflows, Roles, News Viewer Comments

1. Complete a portal migration by following the steps in: Upgrade

2. Open the Migration Tool folder

Set up the Migrate5To6.exe.config file with:

  • Appsettings

  • ssoCommonSecret: enter {ssoCommonSecret} found in your Novacura flow server web.config file.

  • serverLogin value: flow user with portal admin rights".

  • ConnectionStrings

  • Data Source: Path to the 5 Portal SQL server.

  • Initial Catalog: Name of the 5 Portal database.

  • user id: login to access database.

  • password: password to the user id.

  • The second connection string also needs to be configured, it works the same way but it's the receiving end. This means here you type in the portal 6 server/database.

  • Client

  • Endpoint address: change everything before /PortalAPI to your Novacura flow server e.g "http://myserver/Novacura.Flow.6.Server/PortalAPI/PortalUsersAccessService.svc"

Do the same for both endpoint addresses in Client and save your modified .config file

3. Migrate portal 5 to portal 6

Run the Migrate5To6.exe tool

Click on Test flow 5 DB and Test Portal 6 db to make sure the .config file is set up correctly.

Migrating Connectors

  1. Click on Load Flow 5 Connectors And Load Flow 6 Connectors

  2. Choose the flow 5 connector that is being used somewhere in the flow 5 portal.

  3. Choose the corresponding flow 6 connector that should be used in the flow 6 portal.

  4. Click on the >> button to map the connectors.

  5. Repeat this for every connector you wish to migrate and map to flow 6.

Migrating Roles

  1. Click on Load Flow 5 Roles And Load Flow 6 Roles

  2. Choose the flow 5 role that is being used somewhere in the flow 5 portal.

  3. Choose the corresponding flow 6 role that should be used in the flow 6 portal.

  4. Click on the >> button to map the roles.

  5. Repeat this for every role you wish to migrate and map to flow 6.

Migrating Workflows

  1. Click on Load Flow 5 portlets.

  2. Click on Load Flow 6 Workflows.

  3. Select a portlet to display the workflows used by the portlet.

  4. Select and input which kind of flow 5 workflow and its parameters in the corresponding text box.

  5. Select which flow 6 workflow that corresponds to that operation press the >> button which will fill the necessary text boxes with information.

  6. Click on Save Workflows for the selected portlet.

Migrating News Viewer Comments

  1. Click on Find users

  2. Click on Save comments users, it can only map when the user names match between environments.

Contact product.support@novacura.com for support if the upgrade fails.

Last updated

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