Create an integration
Go to the Flow Integrations page (by clicking Flow Integrations in the menu bar to the left).
Click + Add
which brings you to the page for adding a Flow 6 Server integration.
Flow Server: in the drop down, select the Flow Server you have added a connection to.
Under the Flow Server drop down, a list with all the machine workflows published on that specific Flow 6 Server appears.
Navigate in the folder structure to the machine workflow you want to create an integration for and select it.
Fill in the following details of your integration:
Name (mandatory): a brief alpha-numerical name
Description (optional): A brief description of the integration
Enabled (On/Off): toggles whether the integration is active for execution or not.
Now click the tab Trigger Type.
Click the drop down SelectTriggerType and select one of
Schedule - Scheduled trigger
Webhook - Webhook (http post/get) trigger
When you have are ready configuring the Trigger Type, click Save to create the integration and continue this Get Started guide.
Last updated