Common configuration

The configuration common for all portlets.


All portlets must have a name and a unique identifier.

  • Name: the name of the portlet

  • Unique identifier: unique string to identify this portlet.

Dynamic Titles

Dynamic titles can be used in portlet names to give more details of what is presented. For this to work, the portlet needs to have access to data as a parameter from the other portlets. To achieve this, let the portlet listen to other portlets.

To add a dynamic value to the title, add the parameter in the portlet's name using curly brackets - {}.


The title “Product info: {ProductId}” would display the chosen product id in the title given the parameter name is ProductId.


  • Auto-refresh: enables the portlet to refresh the data every SS:second

    • If data has changed in the columns, the table will not refresh until the changes have been saved or cancelled

  • Header visibility: decides the behavior for the portlet and container headers

    • Visible - the header will always be shown

    • Visible on hover - the header will be visible when the user hovers in the header space. The header is accessed by hovering on the small handler visible in the upper right corner for portlets and the upper left corner for containers.

    • Hidden - the header is always hidden. If the header is hidden it is not possible for the user to access the action buttons, Clear user settings, Refresh, Expand etc. When in edit mode, the Hidden setting will work the same way as Visible on hover, ie the header will be visible when the user hovers in the header space.

Database source

Database source uses a connector to fetch data to the portlet. Select the connector in the drop-down query and write the select statement in the space below the connector. The database type is visible at the top-right above the statement space, as is the expand icon (F11), which can be clicked to get a larger statement space.

When the select statement has been written, press the Execute button to make the select result available in the continued configuration.


Listeners enable the portlet to listen for events sent by other portlets to execute specified commands. Specify which portlet the commands should be triggered from by clicking in the From field. Select from the list of the available portlet's unique identifiers. Click New if the portlet is to listen to more than one portlet. If using listeners, remember to adjust the data source query.

The following events are available:

  • On Row Selection

  • On Refresh

    • On Refresh only works when the emitting and receiving portlets are placed on the same page.

  • On Filter

  • On Point Selection

  • On Tree Node Selection

Show rows when On Row Selected is empty: tick this box if the table portlet is listening to a portlet, but should show all data if no command is given—that is if no row has been selected in the commanding portlet. This option is only available for Oracle connectors.

Portlets can send filter commands to portlets on the same as well as other pages. If there are portlets listening, the section Receivers will be visible and show a list of all listening portlets.


The Receivers section is added if there are portlets listening to the portlet being configured. The receiver shows the id of the listening portlets and the listener type. Receivers is not editable, if a listening portlet is to be removed, it is done in the listening configuration for that specific portlet.

Listener types

On Filter

On Filter event will be sent when filtering data by a Filter portlet when a filter is applied. The listening portlet will react to the filter and show appropriate data.

Example - list of values as filter

List of values select fetches part number and part description.

The query result is:

PartNo PartDesc

1013 Printer paper

1014 Rubber bands

1015 Ruler

The list of values is set up to have PartDesc as the Text column and PartNo as the Value column. The list of values drop-down list will show the PartDesc (text column), and when selecting Printer Paper the part number 1013 will be sent as the value (value column) to filter on.

The column upon which the filter is to be applied is the Parameter in the filter configuration.

On Refresh

The event will be sent when a portlet is refreshed, either manually or automatically, and refresh listening portlets.

On Row Selection

When selecting a row or item, this event will be sent to allow portlets to listen to this specific data.

Use curly brackets - {} to handle the data in the listening portlet. In the below example the portlet will only show data where PartNo equals the PartNo send in the selected row.

select PartNo, PartDesc

from part

where PartNo = {PartNo}

On Point Selection

Used primarily by charts to allow selection and sending data for a specific point.

On Tree Node Selection

Used by Data Tree Portlet to send a specific node as data.

Portlets and Events

The below table shows the different Portlets and what events they support.


In Style, the user can set the color for the portal title and add a color for a user-defined header stripe. The header stripe is visible between the table title and header sections.

Click on the color box to select the desired color.

Workflow source

Workflow data source fetches data to the portlet by executing specified flow studio workflows. Read more about how to work with workflows by clicking the link below.

The workflow data source fetches data, as the name implies, from a workflow.

Add existing workflow

If the workflow already has been created, select it from the drop-down. The workflow can be opened by clicking the Open button.

Create new workflow

To create a new workflow, click the New button. Enter the workflow name, select if the workflow is to have paging and/or filtering, and click Create to save the workflow in the Studio. Click Open to launch the Studio and modify/finalize the workflow.

Workflow Input Configuration

When a workflow is created from the Portal, the workflow will be automatically generated with Input and/or QuerySetting as start input data.

  • Input: enter the data or columns to be sent when communicating between two portlets, for example, columns like ID and Value.

  • Query Settings: this contains the necessary information for filtering, pagination, and sorting (only when using pagination and filtering).

Workflow Output Configuration

Once the workflow elements have been added and finalized, configure the End Step to send data back to the Portal. The two important values that need to be sent are:

  • TotalCount: the calculated total count (only when using pagination and filtering).

  • Single table variable: table variable with data that can be used by the Portal.

To add output variables, open the End Step and tick the boxes for the output variables required to be sent to the Portal.

Last updated