Gantt chart
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The Gantt chart gives you a time-based view of your projects and tasks; What tasks are planned and when are they to be executed. In the Gantt chart you can also see dependencies between tasks and who is assigned to a task.
A Gantt chart allows you to see at a glance:
Project start and end dates
Task start and end dates
What the task is
Who is assigned to the task
If tasks overlap
Dependencies between tasks
Internal name - unique string to identify this portlet.
Portlet title - title of the portlet, does not have to be unique.
Checkbox options
Enable header - enables the portlet header, ie makes it visible in the portal. It is possible select a header background color by clicking on one of the color in the color palette, remove the color by pressing the X underneath the palette
Header background color - select a header background color by clicking on one of the color in the color palette, remove the color by pressing the X underneath the palette
Header color text - select a header text color by clicking on one of the color in the color palette, remove the color by pressing the X underneath the palette
Show work days - tick the box to show only work days in the Gantt chart. Work days are Monday to Friday.
Show work hours - tick the box to show only work hours in the Gantt chart. Work hours are 08:00 - 17:00.
Show task selector - tick the box to enable a drop-down box where it is possible to search for tasks
Height - sets the height of the activity display window
List Width - sets the width of the activity navigator list
Auto Refresh - enables the portlet to refresh the data every SS:second. If data has changed in the columns the table wont refresh until the changes are saved or canceled.
Self-Hosting Flows - enables the portlet to continue running when the user reaches for another portlet.
The portlet will listen to the following portlets Specify which portlet the commands above will trigger from. The portlets that appears will be shown with their unique internal name.
Data source configuration enables the portlet to execute a specified query towards the chosen database connector to fetch data, or fetch data from a workflow.
Fetching data using database query
Data source configuration enables the portlet to execute a specific query to the chosen database connector.
Database connector - Select which connector that the query should execute against
Your query - Text field where queries can be written
Fetching data using workflows
It is possible to use workflows to fetch data.
Read more about Workflow Source in: Workflow source.
Checkbox option
Calculate summery task - When enabled nullable start date. end date and summery columns will be populated based on task child tasks (Parent id column)
Map the data columns that are to be displayed in the portlet.
Task identity column - The mandatory unique identifier of the task
Title column - The task title that is to be displayed
Start date column - The date the Gantt task starts
End date column - The date the Gantt task ends
Parent id column - The id of the parent task. Required for child tasks
Order column - The position of the task relative to its sibling tasks
Is summery column - If set to true, the task has child tasks
Percent column - The task percentage of completion
In the tab Dependencies it is possible to enter a query or workflow to define the dependencies between tasks.
Dependency identity column - The mandatory unique identifier of the dependency
Predecessor identity column - The mandatory id of the predecessor task
Successor identity column - The mandatory id of the successor task
Type column - The type of dependency. The type is a value between 0 and 3, representing the four different dependency types:
0 - Finish-Finish
1 - Finish-Start
2 - Start-Finish
3 - Start-Start
A dependency relationship between tasks is indicated by an arrow, as shown in the picture below. If the parent or child task is moved in the Gantt charge, the dependent task will follow accordingly.
The Resources tab fetches the list of employees, resources, that will be assigned to the task in the Gantt chart.
Resource identity column - The mandatory unique identifier of the resource
Title column - The title of the resource
The Assignment is the information which task is assigned to which resource (based on data provided in Task data source and Resources data source).
Assignment identity column - The mandatory unique identifier of the assignment
Task identity column - The mandatory unique identifier of the task
Resource identity column - The mandatory unique identifier of the resource
Unit column - Describes how much of each resource is taken up by the current task
See Flow Configuration in Table Portlet.
In column configuration the column which are to be displayed in the Gantt chart are added. It is possible to change the column order by using the up and down arrows. Us the Add button to add rows, the X on row level to remove.
The columns will be shown in the same order as in the configuration:
It is possible to display icons on the activities in the Gantt chart.
Default Icon - field where a default icon value can be added.
Icon rules - add a row here to enter icons with conditions. It is possible to enter multiple conditions. The first condition that an activity fulfills is the icon that will be displayed on the activity. Us the Add button to add rows, the X on row level to remove.
The icon Bug shown on a task in the Gantt chart:
Activates in the Gantt can be configured in to be displayed different colors. Us the Add button to add rows, the X on row level to remove.
Color rule setup:
First value - variable.
Func - parameter to consider.
Second Value - the value to be measured against the variable.
In tooltip configuration enter the text and the variables that are to be seen in the Gantt tool tip when the cursor hovers above an activity.
Fields - add the columns where the data mapper is required, for example remove the time stamp when a date is displayed
Tooltip - add the text and variables, using {}, which are to be displayed