The SFTP Connector is used to upload and download files from an SFTP server. It can also perform other operations such as creating remote directories and list files and directories on the SFTP server.
The DownloadStream operation is currently limited to downloading files smaller than 100 Mb.
Address. Address to SFTP server.
Port. Port to use, usually 22.
Server validation. Select what kind of validation of the server that is to be used. Public key is strongly recommended.
Client private key path. Path to file containing client private key. Note that this is relative to the Flow Server, not Flow Studio.
Password to private key file.
Keyboard-interactive. Use this to setup responses to challanges from the server (if this authentication method is used)
Communication settings
SFTP Version. Set which SFTP version to use. Default is version 3.
Auto adjust transfer settings. Set this to instruct the connector to try to auto adjust download and upload block size and pipeline length for optimal performance.
Pipeline length. The number of concurrent pipelines the client is allowed to use. Only valid if Auto adjust transfer settings is not set.
Download block size. The block size to use when downloading files. Only valid if Auto adjust transfer settings is not set.
Upload block size. The block size to use when uploading files. Only valid if Auto adjust transfer settings is not set.
Request compression. If set, the client will explicitly require compression.
Transfer type. ASCII or Binary (recommended), default is Binary.
Adjust file times. If set, the original date and time values (such as last modification time and creation time) of a file will be retained after upload or download. If not set, time values will be set to when file transfer occured.
Incoming traffic limit. This can be used to limit the bandwidth used when downloading files. Setting it to zero indicates no limit.
Outgoing traffic limit. This can be used to limit the bandwidth used when uploading files. Setting it to zero indicates no limit.
Enable log. Set this to enable logging of SFTP Connector.
Path to logfile. The file where the SFTP Connector appends logs.
Max size of logfile. Maximum size of logfile (in kilo bytes). Setting this to zero indicates no limit.
Directory operations
Download operations
File operations
Upload operations
Last updated
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